Spectacular Seasonal Color

Spectacular Seasonal Color

Our Gulf Coast climate offers the opportunity for color year-round. We’re trained to visualize your landscape like a color wheel as the seasons change – keeping beds vibrant, healthy and fade-proof.

Nothing contributes to your home’s exterior impression like colorful beds and walkways. From our earliest roots, Jubileescape’s floriculture division has merged art and science as the heart of our business. Our experienced design team works with you to select a range of annuals, perennials, sizes, colors, native and specialty blooms to fit your taste and spaces.

With a number of long-time nursery partners, we have an endless variety of annuals to choose from year round including snapdragons, lantana, vinca, celosia, salvia, caladiums, coleus, sweet potato vine, begonias, blue daze, red & white cabbage or kale, pansies, marigolds, geraniums, penta, petunias…. you get the idea!

Whether just keeping beds bright or prepping for a special event, we have a colorful plan just right for you.